Katrina M. Wyman
Wilf Family Professor of Property Law, Director, Environmental and Energy Law LLM Program
This colloquium provides an opportunity to engage with cutting edge scholarship on environmental and energy law and policy
January 16: Class session
- Gocke, Public Utility’s Potential
- Jacobs, Agency Genesis and the Energy Transition
January 23: Alison Gocke, Assistant Professor, University of Virginia Law
- Gocke, Public Utility’s Potential (Brightspace) (same reading as for January 16)
January 30: Class session
February 6: Yukyan Lam, Research Director & Senior Scientist, The New School, Tishman Environment & Design Center
- Mandatory Emissions Reductions for Climate Mitigation in the Power Sector: New Jersey, Delaware, and Minnesota Case Studies
February 13: Class session
February 27: Josh Macey, Assistant Professor, University of Chicago Law
- Outsourcing Energy Market Design
March 5: Class session
March 12: Madison Condon, Associate Professor, Boston University Law
- Scenarios
March 26: Class session
April 2: Hajin Kim, Assistant Professor, University of Chicago
- Does Paying to Pollute Make Pollution Seem Less Bad?
April 9: Class session
April 16: Sharon Jacobs, Professor, UC Berkeley Law
- The Challenge of Participatory Energy Administration
April 23: Rachel Rothschild, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan Law
- Juristocracy and Administrative Governance: From Benzene to Climate
If you wish to request a copy of the reading material, please contact Quetin O'Berry (qmo201@nyu.edu)