Academic Services

Student Complaints Implicating Compliance with ABA Standards


Vice Dean Randy Hertz is the ombudsperson of the Law School and entertains queries and complaints in writing dealing with the ABA’s accreditation standards, the University or Law School policy, classes or personnel.  The Vice Dean may enlist the assistance of another office of the Law School or University in addressing the particular inquiry. When the Vice Dean is unable to address an issue, he or she may designate a Faculty member. If the Vice Dean has a conflict, the Dean will designate a Faculty member.  Students may submit complaints in writing to the Office of Academic Services in person in Furman Hall, Suite 400 or via email to  Complaints will be forwarded to the Vice Dean for review and resolution.  The Law School maintains a record of student complaints submitted during the most recent accreditation period, which includes the resolution of the complaint. Such records will be maintained by the Office of Academic Services.