José Enrique Alvarez


Publications for Downloading


A Bit on Custom.pdf

ASIL - The Future of our Society.pdf

International Law - 50 Ways it Harms Our Lives.pdf

Criminal Jurisdiction 100 Years After the 1907 Hague Peace Conference - The Schizophrenias of R2P.pdf

Forward- Progress in International Law.pdf

Governing The World- International Organization as Lawmakers.pdf

Institutionalised Legalisation and The Asia-Pacific Region.pdf

Reconciling Law, Justice and Politics in the International Area - The Closing of the American Mind.pdf

Review of the security council by member states.pdf

The American in ASIL.pdf

The Argentine Crisis and Foreign Investors-A Glimpse into the heart of the Investment Regime.pdf

The Dark Side of the UN's War on Terrorism.pdf

The Ripples of NAFTA.pdf

Transnational Dispute Management - The Democratization of the Invisable College.pdf

Transnational Dispute Management - The Evolving BIT.pdf

U.S. BIT Comparision Chart

What is to be done?

The Once and Future Foreign Investment Regime

ILC's Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations (IOs) 

Contemporary Foreign Investment Law: An "Empire of Law" or the "Law of Empire"?

The NAFTA's Investment Chapter and Mexico

Mackinnon's Engaged Scholarship

Why Are We Re-Calibrating Our Investment Treaties

The Internationalization Of U.S. Law

"Are Corporations "Subjects" of International Law?"

The Return of the State 

Are International Judges Afraid of Science?

Revisiting The Necessity Defense: Continental Casualty vs. Argentina

But Is It Law?

The Paradoxical Argentina Cases