A New Deal Conference Papers

Frederick Alexander 
An Honorable Harvest: It is Time for Universal Owners to Take Responsibility for their Portfolios (PDF: 194 KB)

Beth Baltzan
Restoring FDR's Vision for Global Trade - Executive Summary (PDF: 114 KB)
Restoring FDR's Vision for Global Trade (PDF: 343 KB)

David Brown and May Amoyaw
Apprenticeship America: An Idea to Reinvent Postsecondary Skills for the Digital Age (PDF: 158 KB)

Tamara Belinfanti
Citizen Capitalism: Abstract (PDF: 12 KB)
Citizen Capitalism: A Proposal for a New Way Forward (PDF: 92 KB)

Kevin DeGood, Allison Cassady, Karla Walter, and Rejane Frederick
Building Progressive Infrastructure published by the Center for American Progress

Jill Fisch, Keith Johnson, and Cynthia Williams
Why Corporate Sustainability Disclosure has become a Mainstream Demand (PDF: 239 KB)

Jason Furman and Lawrence H. Summers
Who's Afraid of Budget Deficits? (PDF: 441 KB)

Martin Lipton, Steven A. Rosenblum, Karessa L. Cain, Sabastian V. Niles, Amanda S. Blackett, and Kathleen C. Iannone
Stakeholder Governance and the Fiduciary Duties of Directors (PDF: 33 KB)
It's Time to Adopt The New Paradigm (PDF: 424 KB)

Lady Lynn Forester De Rothschild
The Embankment Project for Inclusive Capitalism (PDF: 1094 KB)

Kevin P. Gallagher and Sandra Polaski
Reforming US Trade Policy for Shared Prosperity and the Planet (PDF: 212 KB)

Angela Hanks and David Madland
Better Training and Better Jobs published by the Center for American Progress

Larry Kramer
Beyond Neoliberalism (PDF: 203 KB)

Dan Mauer 
Cross-Border Collective Bargaining: Restoring Worker Power in a Globalized Economy (PDF: 143 KB)

Timothy Meyer
Making Trade Policy Work in the Public Interest (PDF: 109 KB)

Suresh Naidu
Worker Collective Action in the 21 Century Labor Market (PDF: 363 KB)

Sabastian Niles
Board Ready: Shareholder Activism, Corporate Governance and the Hunt for Long-Term Value (PDF: 57 KB)

Eric Pan
Do International Trade Agreements Have a Role to Play in Financial Regulation? (PDF: 159 KB)

Joel Paul
Trading Up: Reversing the Race to the Bottom (PDF: 203 KB)

Elizabeth Pollman
A Proposal for Transparency and Accountability in Corporate Political Spending (PDF: 387 KB)

Kitty Richards
Taxes and Rents: The Power of Tax Policy to Share the Distribution of Pre-Tax Income

Leo Strine
Toward Fair and Sustainable Capitalism (PDF: 833 KB)

Steven Vogel
The Marketcraft Solution (PDF: 119 KB)

David Webber
Wielding Labor's Capital: Designing Retirement Funds to Amplify Worker-Shareholder Voice (PDF: 440 KB)