Law School welcomes Spring 2010 visitors

Seventeen professors will come to the the Law School for the spring term, including visitors from Seoul, South Korea; Freiburg, Germany; and New Delhi, India. The incoming group includes an NYU School of Law alumnus, a Pulitzer Prize winner, President Bill Clinton's former economist, and two former judges. Read more about the line-up below.

(Detailed profiles of the Spring 2010 visitors and others spending time at NYU Law in 2009-10 can be found in the 2009 issue of The Law School, available online.)

Visiting Faculty

  Former senior economist in President Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisers Jonathan Baker will teach Antitrust Law during his visit from Washington College of Law. Baker is the author of “Beyond Schumpeter vs. Arrow: How Antitrust Fosters Innovation,” Antitrust Law Journal (2007); “Competition Policy as a Political Bargain,” Antitrust Law Journal (2006); “The Case for Antitrust Enforcement,” Journal of Economic Perspectives (2003); “Mavericks, Mergers, and Exclusion: Proving Coordinated Competitive Effects Under the Antitrust Laws,” NYU Law Review (2002); and co-author of “Reinvigorating Horizontal Merger Enforcement,” in Where the Chicago School Overshot the Mark (2008); and “Empirical Methods in Antitrust Litigation: Review and Critique,” American Law & Economics Review (1999). Baker was previously director of the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Economics.
Samuel Buell ’92 will teach Criminal Law during his visit from Washington University School of Law. Buell’s scholarship focuses on criminal and civil regulation of economic behaviors, legal construction of mental states, and enforcement institutions. He is the author of “Potentially Perverse Effects of Corporate Civil Liability,” in Prosecutors in the Boardroom: Using Criminal Law to Regulate Corporate Conduct (2009); “The Upside of Overbreadth,” NYU Law Review (2008); and “Criminal Procedure Within the Firm,” Stanford Law Review (2007).

Annette Gordon-Reed, winner of a 2009 Pulitzer Prize for her book, The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family (2008), will teach the American Legal History in the Early Republic seminar and Professional Responsibility and the Regulation of Lawyers. Gordon-Reed also served as editor of Race on Trial: Law and Justice in American History (2002) and Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An American Controversy (1997).

John Langbein will teach Trusts and Estates: Family Wealth Transmission during his visit from Yale Law School, where he is Sterling Professor of Law and Legal History. Langbein is the author of “Trust Law as Regulatory Law: The Unum Provident Scandal and Judicial Review of Benefit Denials Under ERISA,” Northwestern University Law Review (2007); “Questioning the Trust-Law Duty of Loyalty: Sole Interest or Best Interest?” Yale Law Journal (2005); and The Origins of Adversary Criminal Trial (2003), for which he won a 2006 Coif Award, and is co-author of History of the Common Law: The Development of Anglo-American Legal Institutions (2009). He has been a Uniform Law Commissioner in Connecticut since 1984 and was a principal drafter of the Uniform Prudent Investor Act (1994) and a member of the drafting committees for the Uniform Trust Act (2000) and the Uniform Principal and Income Act (1997).
Roberta Romano will teach Corporations during her visit from Yale Law School, where she is Oscar M. Ruebhausen Professor of Law and Director of the Center for the Study of Corporate Law. Her scholarship encompasses the regulation of financial instruments and securities markets, corporate governance, and state competition for corporate charters. Romano is the author of “Does the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Have a Future?” Yale Journal on Regulation (2009); “The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Making of Quack Corporate Governance,” Yale Law Journal (2005); The Advantage of Competitive Federalism for Securities Regulation (2002); The Genius of American Corporate Law (1993); and co-author of “The Promise and Peril of Corporate Governance Indices,” Columbia Law Review (2008). She previously clerked for Judge Jon O. Newman of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.
University of Illinois College of Law professor Jacqueline Ross will teach Criminal Procedure: Investigations and Evidence during her visit. Ross studies undercover policing in the United States, Italy, Germany, and France and conducts comparative research about intelligence-gathering in immigrant communities in the United States and France. She is author of “Do Rules of Evidence Apply (Only) in the Courtroom? Deceptive Interrogation in the United States and Germany,” Oxford Journal of Legal Studies (2008) and “The Place of Covert Policing in Democratic Societies: A Comparative Study of the United States and Germany,” American Journal of Comparative Law (2007). A former clerk for Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Ross also served as Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Northern District of Illinois (Chicago) and the District of Massachusetts (Boston).
Tobias Wolff will teach Conflict of Laws during his visit from the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Wolff’s scholarship focuses on civil procedure, complex litigation, conflict of laws, constitutional law, the First Amendment, and law and sexuality. He is the author of “Federal Jurisdiction and Due Process in the Era of the Nationwide Class Action,” University of Pennsylvania Law Review (2008); “Preclusion in Class Action Litigation,” Columbia Law Review (2005); “Interest Analysis in Interjurisdictional Marriage Disputes,” University of Pennsylvania Law Review (2005); and “Political Representation and Accountability Under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” Iowa Law Review (2004). Wolff clerked for Judge Betty Binns Fletcher and Judge William A. Norris of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.


Multi-Year Returning Faculty

  Charles Cameron, a prize-winning scholar of American politics, returns to the NYU School of Law from Princeton University, where he is a professor of politics and public affairs. Cameron will teach Political Environment of the Law. Cameron’s research focuses on political institutions and policymaking, and his writing has appeared in journals of political science, economics, and law. He is author of “Changing Supreme Court Policy Through Appointments: The Impact of a New Justice,” Minnesota Law Review (2009); Veto Bargaining: Presidents and the Politics of Negative Power (2000); and co-author of “Bargaining and Opinion Assignment on the U.S. Supreme Court,” Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization (2007). Before joining the Princeton faculty, Cameron served as director of the M.P.A. program at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, where he was a tenured professor in the Department of Political Science. Cameron holds an M.P.A. and a Ph.D. from Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.
During his visit from Stanford Law School, where he is A. Calder Mackay Professor of Law, Robert Rabin will teach Protection of Personality and the Toxic Harms seminar. Rabin’s scholarship encompasses tort law and health and safety regulation. He is the author of “Tobacco Control Strategies: Past Efficacy and Future Promise,” Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review (2008); “The Renaissance of Accident Law Plans Revisited,” Maryland Law Review (2005); co-author of Tort Law and Alternatives: Cases and Materials (2006); and co-editor of Torts Stories (2003). He has served as Senior Environmental Fellow at the Environmental Protection Agency, Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Sociolegal Studies, Oxford University, and Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences.


Global Visiting Faculty

  Seung Wha Chang will teach WTO: Core Issues and Dispute Development during his visit from Seoul National University. Chang’s research interests include international trade, competition law, and international arbitration. He is author of “WTO for Trade and Development Post-Doha,” Journal of International Economic Law (2007) and “Taming Unilateralism Under the Trading System,” Georgetown Journal of Law and Policy in International Business (2000). Chang was previously an arbitration panelist at the World Trade Organization, a Seoul District Court judge, and an arbitrator at the ICC International Court of Arbitration and London Court of International Arbitration.
Hugh Collins, a professor of English law at the London School of Economics, will teach Human Rights in the Workplace during his visit. His scholarship interests include labor law, contract law, and legal theory. Collins is the author of The European Civil Code: The Way Forward (2008); The Law of Contract (2008); Employment Law (2003); Regulating Contracts (1999); Justice in Dismissal: and The Law of Termination of Employment (1992); and Marxism and Law (1982).

Graeme Cooper is a professor of taxation law at the University of Sydney. During his visit he will teach Theory and Design of Value Added Tax and Tax Treaties. His scholarship encompasses corporate taxation, comparative tax law, taxation in developing countries, consumption taxes, and tax policy. Cooper is the author of Executing an Income Tax (2008) and co-author of Income Taxation: Commentary and Materials (2009).

Director of the Haifa Center of Law & Technology Niva Elkin-Koren will teach Copyright Law in the Digital Era during her visit from the University of Haifa Faculty of Law. Elkin-Koren has a book in progress on the evolving structures of governances in social networks. She also studies legal institutions that facilitate private and public control over the production and dissemination of information. She is co-author of The Limits of Analysis: Law and Economics of Intellectual Property in the Digital Age (forthcoming, 2009); co-editor of Law and Information Technology (forthcoming, 2009); author of Intellectual Property in the Information Age (2004); co-author of Law, Economics and Cyberspace: The Effects of Cyberspace on the Economic Analysis of Law (2004); and co-editor of The Commodification of Information (2002).
Franco Ferrari will teach International Commercial Sales and Comparative Law of Contracts during his visit from the University of Verona Faculty of Law. Ferrari’s scholarship focuses on international commercial law, conflict of laws, comparative law, and international commercial arbitration. He is the author of Vendita internazionale di beni mobili: Formazione del contratto (2006); and co-editor of Ein neues Internationales Vertragsrecht für Europa (2007) and The Draft UNCITRAL Digest and Beyond: Cases, Analysis and Unresolved Issues in the U.N. Sales Convention (2003). He previously served as a legal officer in the International Trade Law Branch at the United Nations’ Office of Legal Affairs.
Gérard Hertig, a professor of law and economics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich, will teach Comparative Corporate Governance and Banking Regulation and Supervision. Hertig’s research interests include law and economics, with a focus on corporate governance and banking. He is co-author of The Anatomy of Corporate Law: A Comparative and Functional Approach (2004) and co-editor of European Economic and Business Law: Legal and Economic Analyses on Integration and Harmonization (1996).
Ran Hirschl will teach Comparative Constitutional Law and Politics during his visit from University of Toronto, where he is Professor of Political Science and Law, and Canada Research Chair in Constitutionalism, Democracy, and Development. His research centers on comparative constitutional law and institutions and extrajudicial (political, economic) origins and consequences of the global expansion of constitutionalism and judicial review. He is the author of Comparative Matters: Legal Studies for the 21st Century (forthcoming, 2010); Sacred Judgments: The Challenge of Constitutional Theocracy (forthcoming, 2010); and Towards Juristocracy: The Origins and Consequences of the New Constitutionalism (2004).
Rolf Stürner, a former judge in the State Court of Appeals in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, will teach Comparative Civil Procedure during his visit from the University of Freiburg, Germany, where he is director of the Institute for German and Comparative Civil Procedure. Stürner’s scholarship encompasses comparative and national civil procedure; insolvency and real property law; and law of financial products. He was a co-reporter for ALI/UNIDROIT Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure (2006) and co-author of German Civil Justice (2004).

Posted on December 23, 2009