NYU School of Law faculty members incur various types of travel expenses as they perform tasks and duties that support the operations of the institution and further its missions. This policy is to ensure that faculty members who incur valid travel business expenses are reimbursed in a fair and equitable manner, that business expenses are reported, recorded and reimbursed in a consistent manner throughout the School of Law, and that the School of Law complies with all applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations.
NYU Travel and Expense Policy: This policy is intended to ensure proper stewardship of University funds by providing guidelines for their appropriate use, and outlining procedures that will help members of the University community comply with all applicable rules and regulations.
Expense Reimbursement Policy: This policy is intended to ensure that employees who incur valid business expenses are reimbursed in a fair and equitable manner; that business expenses are reported, recorded, and reimbursed in a consistent manner throughout the University; and that the University complies with all applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations.