Academic Policies Guide

Graduate Division: Academic Progress

Students in the LLM program are expected to make satisfactory academic progress as determined by the faculty director of their program and the Vice Dean. If a student’s grades in the first semester of the program (for full-time students) or the first year of the program (for part-time students) show a lack of such progress, the faculty director and Vice Dean may impose appropriate requirements, including limitation on the number of credits the student may take in any one semester, a leave of absence, or withdrawal of the student from the school, depending on the student’s record and the reasons for the student’s failure to make satisfactory progress. A student whose grade point average is less than 2.3 after the completion of the equivalent of one semester of work may register for additional courses only with the permission of the Vice Dean. 

LLM Required Grade Point Average 

Under present academic regulations the LLM degree is awarded only if a student has a grade point average of 2.667 or greater for (1) all 24 credit hours required for the degree, and (2) all credit hours in the candidate’s program (if the student is a candidate for a degree other than the Traditional LLM). All grades, with the exception of substituted courses, or courses taken at another institution or other divisions of NYU, are used in computing the average. The grade point average is computed as follows: A+, 4.333; A, 4.0; A-, 3.667; B+, 3.333; B, 3.0; B-, 2.667; C, 2.0; D, 1.0; F,0. The GPA is figured by dividing the grade points earned by the number of credits attempted.

LLM Re-Registration and Substitution 

A student who receives an F in a course earns no credit towards the LLM degree for that course. If the F is in a required course, the student must re-register for, and successfully complete, that course in the next semester the course is offered to qualify for the LLM degree. If the F is not in a required course, the student may re-register for that course or take another course to earn the required credits. 

An LLM student who has a GPA below 2.667 after one year of study (or the equivalent in the case of part-time students) may take up to six additional credits (in any combination of courses but not exceeding six credits) in an effort to raise the student’s GPA. Any additional credits may be taken in new courses, directed research, or in courses in which the student’s grade was C or lower. The substituted-for grades will remain on the student’s transcript but will not be counted in the student’s GPA. Tuition will be charged for additional credits according to University and Law School rules.

Re-registrations and substitutions must be paid for on a per credit basis, unless these elections are made during a semester in which the student is registered as a full-time student, and does not exceed the cap on credits per semester.

Letters of Concern and Warning 

Each semester, the Office of the Vice Dean reviews the records of students in academic difficulty. At the discretion of the Vice Dean, letters of concern may be sent to those students informing them that the Law School expects improvement in academic performance in the future semesters. Letters of warning may be sent to students whom the Vice Dean deems to be in academic difficulty of a more serious nature indicating the necessity for immediate remedial action. Receipt of a letter of concern or warning does not constitute academic probation. 

Dismissal for Academic Reasons 

A student may be dismissed for academic reasons only by the faculty members of the Executive Committee. The basic standard used by the Executive Committee in determining the question of academic dismissal is the likelihood of the student’s failing to meet the graduation requirements in the normal number of semesters. For example, a student who has accumulated a sufficient number of "F," uncompensated "D," "INC," or "IP" grades to indicate that they are not reasonably able to meet the graduation requirements in six full-time semesters without exceeding the 15 credit per semester maximum will be dismissed, unless extraordinary reasons are shown for extending the time period.