Human Resources

Performance Communication

Effective performance feedback is critical to the success of the School of Law and the individual employee. A strong performance communication process:

  • Helps employees improve what they do and how they do it, enabling them to give greater support to the goals of their department and the University.
  • Fosters an environment of continuous feedback and professional growth.
  • Creates a shared understanding of the skills and abilities or the demonstrated “know-how” necessary to be successful on the job.
  • Gives employees the opportunity to assess their own performance and describe their contributions.
  • Provides employees with an action plan to develop the skills and behaviors that will ensure their success and the success of the unit.

Performance Communication Tools:

Performance Communication Guide for Supervisors Completing Evaluation Form (PDF: 151 KB)

Performance Communication Evaluation Form (Word: 33 KB)

Performance Communication Self Assessment Form (Word: 32 KB)

Performance Communication Goal Setting Form (Word: 24 KB)

Simplified Performance Communication Evaluation Form with Competencies (Word: 28 KB)