Turkuler Isiksel

Global Fellow Turkuler Isiksel

Turkuler Isiksel

Senior Global Research Fellow
Neil MacCormick Fellow in Legal Theory

Turkuler Isiksel is Associate Professor of Political Science at Columbia University and Deputy Chair of her department. She earned her undergraduate degree in Politics from the University of Edinburgh and her PhD in Political Science from Yale University. Her research focuses on the ways international institutions can alternately strengthen, transform, and undermine domestic constitutional democracy. Isiksel’s first book, Europe’s Functional Constitution. A Theory of Constitutionalism beyond the State (Oxford UP, 2016), traces the ways that the EU’s prioritization of economic and monetary integration has distorted practices of citizenship, constitutionalism, democratic representation, social solidarity, and human rights protection. In addition to her scholarship on European integration, she has also written on such issues as global legal pluralismKant’s theory of cosmopolitanismhuman rights in investor-state arbitrationcorporations’ rights under the ECHR, and authoritarian constitutionalism in Turkey. Her research has appeared in journals including The Journal of Politics, the European Journal of International LawHuman Rights QuarterlyInternational Journal of Constitutional Law (I*CON), and the European Law Journal. Isiksel has served as a visiting fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, the Law and Public Affairs Program (LAPA) at Princeton University, Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt-am-Main, and the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University. She was an Emile Noël Fellow at NYU School of Law in Fall 2015. Isiksel is currently a member of the editorial board of the American Political Science Review and a trustee of the Wenner-Gren Foundation. She grew up in Istanbul and is a former president of the European Youth Parliament.

As the Neil MacCormick Fellow in Legal Theory at The Hauser Global Law School Program at NYU School of Law in 2023-2024, Isiksel will work on her book manuscript entitled Are Corporate Rights Wrong? This book will propose a framework for evaluating the constitutional and human rights claims that for-profit and nonprofit corporations make in liberal democratic societies.

Center Affiliation: Center for Law and Philosophy
Research Project: Are Corporate Rights Wrong?