In the Media

Wall Street Journal_Logo

July 15, 2024
Big Companies Get Boost in Tax Dispute
Wall Street Journal
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang on the impact of the Supreme Court’s Loper Bright ruling on tax law.  


July 9, 2024
Chevron ruling’s hydrogen ripple effects
Axios Pro (Subscription Required)
Quoted: Mike Kaercher on the impact of the Supreme Court’s Loper Bright ruling on the Inflation Reduction Act: “It’s important to remember that Treasury and IRS are issuing the bulk of the rules related to the IRA under broad and explicit grants of authority from Congress.” 

Tax Notes logo

July 1, 2024
Treasury Finalizes Crypto Reporting Rules 
Tax Notes (Subscription Required)
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang's statement on the finalized regulations for broker reporting of digital asset transactions. 

Law360 Logo

July 1, 2024
IRS Finalizes Broker Rules For Digital Asset Sales
Law360 (Subscription Required)
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang's statement on the finalized regulations for broker reporting of digital asset transactions. 

Bloomberg News

June 27, 2024
High Court’s Moore Ruling Sharpens Wealth-Tax Debate
Bloomberg Tax: Talking Tax Podcast
Interviewed: Chye-Ching Huang on the Supreme Court’s decision in Moore vs. US. “The court very correctly declined two of the Moores’ big requests… to issue an overbroad advisory opinion effectively on hypothetical wealth taxes… and to impose their request for a novel constitutional requirement that income be realized before it is taxed.”

Tax Notes logo

June 21, 2024
Supreme Court Says Transition Tax Is Constitutional in Narrow Ruling
Tax Notes (Subscription Required)
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang’s statement in response to the decision in Moore v. US.

Bloomberg News

June 20, 2024
Tax Code Chaos Averted in Top Court Ruling but Worry Lingers
Bloomberg Tax (Subscription Required)
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang’s statement in response to the decision in Moore v. US.

Washington Post logo

June 20, 2024
Supreme Court upholds Trump-era tax provision on offshore earnings
Washington Post
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang’s statement in response to the decision in Moore v. US.

Los Angeles Times logo

June 20, 2024 
Supreme Court upholds a tax on corporate wealth held overseas 
Los Angeles Times 
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang’s statement in response to the decision in Moore v. US


June 20, 2024 
Justices uphold Trump tax on overseas investments in win for Biden 
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang’s statement in response to the decision in Moore v. US

Associated PressJune 17, 2024
The IRS wants to end another major tax loophole for the wealthy and raise $50 billion in the process
AP News
Quoted: Miles Johnson on new guidance from Treasury and the IRS addressing “basis shifting” transactions used by partnerships: “these transactions effectively make income disappear from the tax system by creating depreciation deductions or other tax reductions that don’t reflect any true economic cost.”

Law360 Logo

June 17, 2024
Treasury Says Partnership Crackdown Could Raise Over $50B
Law360 (Subscription Required)
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang on new guidance from Treasury and the IRS addressing “basis shifting” transactions used by partnerships: "it's good to see Treasury and the IRS tackling aggressive, tax-motivated transactions with guidance that makes clear upfront that some of them are simply not lawful, and that others will require disclosure by taxpayers and draw IRS scrutiny.”

Tax Notes logo

June 12, 2024
Campaign Underway to Repeal the Corporate Transparency Act 
Tax Notes (Subscription Required)
Mentioned: The Tax Law Center’s amicus brief on National Small Business United et al. v. U.S. Department of the Treasury

Tax Notes logo

June 4, 2024
DOJ Says Transparency Act Fourth Amendment Claim Is Meritless
Tax Notes (Subscription Required)
Mentioned: The Tax Law Center’s amicus brief on National Small Business United et al. v. U.S. Department of the Treasury

Tax Notes logo

May 22, 2024
Refundable Credit Audits Should Reflect Equity, GAO Says
Tax Notes (Subscription required) 
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang on Tax Law Center recommendations to reduce racial disparities in refundable credit audits.  

Bloomberg News

May 20, 2024
More Flexibility Urged for Energy Tax Credit Direct Pay Option 
Bloomberg Tax (Subscription required) 
Mentioned: The Tax Law Center’s comment letter to Treasury and IRS on qualifications for direct pay for clean energy credits.   

Reuters logo

April 30, 2024
Corporate Transparency Act Case Wrongly Decided, Say Lawmakers
Thomson Reuters
Quoted: Thalia Spinrad on the amici briefs filed in support of the government which explain “that the district court’s decision was severely flawed on many fronts."  


April 27, 2024 
Tax Breaks: New Laws And Budget Proposals—Including One That's Out Of This World 
Mentioned: The Tax Law Center’s new online tool, the interactive Tealbook, which offers over 50 options for policymakers to improve the integrity of the tax system. 

Tax Notes logo

April 24, 2024 
Lawmakers Join Fight Over Transparency Act’s Constitutionality 
Tax Notes (Subscription required) 
Mentioned: The Tax Law Center’s amicus brief on National Small Business United et al. v. U.S. Department of the Treasury

Bloomberg News

April 22, 2024
Democrats Urge Appeals Court to Revive Anti-Money Laundering Law
Bloomberg Law (Subscription required)
Mentioned: The Tax Law Center’s amicus brief on National Small Business United et al. v. U.S. Department of the Treasury

Law360 Logo

April 22, 2024
Congress Can Enact Corp. Transparency, Orgs Tell 11th Circ. 
Law360 (Subscription required)
Mentioned: The Tax Law Center’s amicus brief on National Small Business United et al. v. U.S. Department of the Treasury

Bloomberg News

March 27, 2024 
Inside Government Crackdown on Corporate Jet Tax Abuse 
Bloomberg Tax: Talking Tax Podcast 
Interviewed: Mike Kaercher about the IRS' current SIFL regs: "It’s hard to come up with a reason the US government should be providing subsidies in the form of tax expenditures for companies and executives using private jets."  

The Guardian logo

March 1, 2024 
‘Huge tax breaks’: private equity prepares for a boon from Congress 
The Guardian 
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang’s testimony for the hearing “Examining How the Tax Code Affects High-Income Individuals and Tax Planning Strategies,” where she explains that retroactive tax breaks for income from wealth are a poor investment. 

The Hill

February 27, 2024 
Corporate jet users brace for more IRS audits 
The Hill 
Quoted: Mike Kaercher: “As the IRS focuses on private jets, it should revisit how it values personal use of corporate aircraft. The current rules allow these flights to be significantly undervalued, enabling wealthy filers to pay much less in taxes than fair market value would dictate, and it’s within the IRS’ authority to revise these rules.” 

Bloomberg News

February 26, 2024 
Corporate Jet Industry Pushes Back on IRS Audit Campaign 
Bloomberg Law (Subscription required) 
Quoted: Mike Kaercher said the IRS should reconsider some regulations in concert with the enforcement of the tax code related to corporate jets.  

Politico Logo

February 26, 2024 
Hydrogen industry preps legal challenge to Biden tax rules 
Quoted: Mike Kaercher on Treasury’s pending tax rules for low-carbon hydrogen production: “Any regime that does not properly account for significant indirect emissions would violate the law.” 

Tax Notes logo

February 26, 2024 
Efforts to Lure Private Placement Life Insurance Came at a Cost 
Tax Notes (Subscription required) 
Chye-Ching Huang’s November 2023 testimony before the Senate Finance Committee: “tax subsidies for income from wealth are a poor investment.” She added that those subsidies “increase deficits, widen inequality, and spur complex tax avoidance and evasion that locks up capital and talent that could be used for more productive work and innovations.” 

Washington Post logo

February 22, 2024 
IRS to go after executives who use business jets for personal travel in new round of audits 
Washington Post 
Quoted: Mike Kaercher ‘s statement that the IRS should revisit how it values personal use of corporate aircraft, beyond just how flights are reported: “The current rules allow these flights to be significantly undervalued, enabling wealthy filers to pay much less in taxes than fair market value would dictate, and it’s within the IRS’ authority to revise these rules.” 

Tax Notes logo

February 22, 2024 
IRS Gears Up for Corporate Jet Dogfight 
Tax Notes (Subscription required) 
Quoted: Mike Kaercher discusses the IRS’s announcement on audits of corporate jet usage and suggests the IRS revisit how it values personal use of corporate aircraft.

Associated Press_Logo

February 21, 2024 
IRS to go after executives who use business jets for personal travel in new round of audits 
Associated Press 
Quoted: Mike Kaercher in a statement that the IRS should revisit how it values personal use of corporate aircraft, beyond just how flights are reported. 

Tax Notes logo

February 15, 2024 
All Eyes on Werfel to Justify IRS’s 1099-K Nonenforcement
Tax Notes (Subscription required) 
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang in a Tax Law Center report on “Improving Categorical Non-Enforcement in the Tax System.” 

Bloomberg News

February 9, 2024
IRS Delays on Tax Law Deadlines Need Transparency, Report Finds
Bloomberg Tax (Subscription required)
Quoted: The Tax Law Center's report on improving categorical non-enforcement in the tax system.

The Guardian logo

January 12, 2024 
US corporations push to roll back Trump-era tax policies they once endorsed 
The Guardian 
Quoted: Chye-Ching Huang on large business interest that supported the TCJA package as a whole because “it was, on net, delivering large, permanent tax cuts," and the many lawmakers that at the time “were already looking for ways to prevent … those other tax increases on companies from ever coming into full effect.” 


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