Antitrust and Developing and Emerging Economies: New Issues in Cartels and Corruption, Big Data, and the Public Interest

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Antitrust and Developing and Emerging Economies: New Issues in Cartels and Corruption, Big Data, and the Public Interest
NYU School of Law and Concurrences Conference
Friday, November 1, 2019
40 Washington Square South, Greenberg Lounge

Abstract: This year’s conference highlighted anti-cartel and corruption enforcement, and experts presented compliance strategies to guard against both, especially at their intersection as occurred in Brazil’s Petrobas incident. The program explored big data networks and their effect on economic development; and experts explained the most recent concerns in clearing mergers that affect developing countries, including legislative developments in adding public interest factors to merger law and advice as to what the agencies will expect from the merging parties to address these concerns.

7 CLE credits is approved in the Areas of Professional Practice. The credit will be both transitional and non-transitional and is appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys. CLE Materials.

Conference Photos


8:00 am
Registration & Breakfast

Welcome Remarks

Benedict KINGSBURY | Vice Dean, New York University School of Law
Eleanor FOX | Professor, New York University School of Law

Keynote Speech

Firms, Competition & Market Power in Developing Countries
Pinelopi Koujianou GOLDBERG | Chief Economist, The World Bank Group, Washington, DC | Elihu Professor of Economics, Yale University

Panel 1: Rooting out Cartels and Corruption: Where are the synergies?

Paula AZEVEDO | Commissioner, Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica, Brasília
Kevin DAVIS | Professor, New York University School of Law

Gönenç GÜRKAYNAK | Partner, ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law, Istanbul
Clara INGEN-HOUSZ | Compliance Counsel, Saint-Gobain, Paris
David LEWIS | Executive Director, Corruption Watch, Johannesburg
Moderator: Eleanor FOX | Professor, New York University School of Law

Coffee Break

Panel 2: Data, Networks, and Platforms: What effects on economic development?

Dennis DAVIS | President, Competition Appeal Court of South Africa, Cape Town
Nicholas ECONOMIDES | Professor, NYU Stern School of Business

Ioannis LIANOS | Professor, University College London
Amy RAY | Partner, Orrick, Washington DC
Moderator: Harry FIRST | Professor, New York University School of Law


Panel 3: Mergers and Economic Development: What can developing countries expect?
Senior Consultant, Charles River Associates, São Paulo
Scott HEMPHILL | Professor, New York University School of Law

Alexey IVANOV | Director, HSE - Skolkovo Institute for Law and Development
Liberty MNCUBE | Associate Professor of Economics, University of the Witwaterstrand, Johannesburg
George PAUL| Partner, White & Case, Washington DC

Moderator: Daniel RUBINFELD | Professor, New York University School of Law

Coffee Break

Panel 4: Enforcer's Roundtable: What's Under the Radar?

Arsenio BALISACAN | Chairman, Philippine Competition Commission, Quezon City
Liberty MNCUBE | Associate Professor of Economics, University of the Witwaterstrand, Johannesburg
Ricardo RIESCO | Head, Fiscalía Nacional Económica, Santiago
Randolph TRITELL | Director, Office of International Affairs, US Federal Trade Commission, Washington DC
Pablo TREVISÁN | Commissioner, Comisión Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia, Buenos Aires
Moderator: Frédéric JENNY| Chairman, OECD Competition Committee, Paris

Closing Wrap-up: New York Minute
Eleanor FOX |
Professor, New York University School of Law
Harry FIRST | Professor, New York University School of Law

Panel Sponsors
Charles River Associates
ELIG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law
White & Case

Media Sponsor