Southern Exposure


Southern Exposure is a group for students who have ties to the areas loosely known as the southeastern United States and Texas (the “south” or “southern”), who attended a southern institution, or who have any interest in entering the growing legal markets in the south to recruit more NYU students from southern areas, to assemble for community and networking purposes, and to promote NYU students and the NYU name to employers in the southern legal market.

I. Goals

1. Recruiting – To encourage more southern students to come to NYU Law by:

  • creating a dialogue between undergraduate law school counselors and Southern Exposure
  • contacting admitted students via email, snail mail and/or phone
  • taking southern students to dinner when they visit for Admitted Students Day
  • working with the Office of Admissions to get information about Southern Exposure included in admissions packs to southern students

2. Community – To provide a means by which southern students can get together to share in each other's company and to help incoming southern students adjust to life in New York.

3. Networking – To completely centralize our student resources and proactively market ourselves to southern firms and public interest law organizations by:

  • creating a dialogue between southern employers and the Southern Exposure regional groups
  • contacting NYU Alumni in the outh and letting them know about Southern Exposure
  • establishing a Southern Exposure alumni database for future use by NYU students
  • establishing and maintaining a Southern Exposure website
  • hosting informational sessions for non-members of the group to find out more about job opportunities in the southern legal markets

II. Leadership Structure

A. The Executive Board – Southern Exposure will be governed by an executive board consisting of a president, two (2) vice presidents, and a treasurer. The Board members will be elected into office by the members of the group. At least one (1) of the vice presidents must be a public interest law student. Each Board member must earn a majority (greater than 50 percent) of votes in order to be elected. Elections are to be held in April. Newly elected Board members will assume responsibility for their positions on May 1. Board members will serve for a term of one (1) calendar year.

B. The Primary Officers Committee – The Primary Officers Committee (POC) will consist of three (3) positions appointed by the incoming executive board. These positions are: Webmaster, Publicity Chair and Chief Information Officer (to include maintenance of the Alumni Database). The Executive Board may at any time create a new POC position should the need arise. POC members will serve for a term of one (1) calendar year.

C. Regional Heads – For the purpose of contacting students and employers in specific geographic areas, the members of Southern Exposure will divide into regional groups. The extent of the area to be covered by the regional groups (by state, by city, etc.) will be determined anew each year by the Executive Board based on student involvement in Southern Exposure and anticipated need and workload for contact within a particular region.

Each regional group will select a Regional Head who will serve as the coordinator for all recruiting and networking tasks for that particular region and will act as a liaison between the regional groups and the Executive Board. Regional Heads will serve for a term of one (1) calendar year.

III. Rules for Governance

Southern Exposure shall be governed according to the office descriptions above. All meetings shall take place following standard parliamentary procedure as it is explained in Robert's Rules of Order.


The content on student group pages is created by each group and does not constitute official statements or views of NYU Law.