Global Fellows

Current Global Fellows

2024-2025 Academic Year

Global Fellow Hyojung Bae

Hyojung (Claire) Bae

Post-Doctoral Global Fellow
Republic of Korea

Claire Bae has recently joined NYU Law as a Post-Doctoral Global Fellow. She is conducting research on “A Comparative Study of Tax Regulations on Digital Assets – Focusing on Legislative and Administrative Approaches in the United States and South Korea.” The ultimate objective of this study is to establish a justifiable legal framework for the taxation on digital assets in ...see full bio.

Center Affiliation: Graduate Tax Program
Research Project: A Comparative Study of Tax Regulations on Digital Assets


Global Fellow Nour Benghellab-Outtas

Nour Benghellab-Outtas

Post-Doctoral Global Fellow

Nour is a Post-Doctoral Global Fellow affiliated with the Institute for International Law and Justice (IILJ). She completed a PhD dissertation in Law, Political Studies, and Philosophy at the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Paris (École des hautes études en sciences sociales). Her dissertation focuses on the aesthetics ...see full bio.

Center Affiliation: Institute for International Law and Justice
Research Project: Genealogy of National-Socialist Colonial Legal Concepts

Global Fellow Sam Bookman

Sam Bookman (Fall)

Post-Doctoral Global Fellow
New Zealand, United States

Sam Bookman is a Postdoctoral Global Fellow. His SJD dissertation, submitted at Harvard Law School, focuses on how environmental challenges such as climate change alter our existing conceptions of constitutional law, and particularly constitutional rights. His research adopts a mix of doctrinal, comparative, and empirical methods. His research ...see full bio.

Center Affiliation: Guarini Center on Environmental, Energy and Land Use Law
Research Project: What Happens When You Win? The Implementation of Structural Climate Litigation 

Global Fellow Stefania Cirillo

Stefania Cirillo (Fall)

Post-Doctoral Global Fellow

Stefania Cirillo is a Post-Doctoral Global Fellow associated with the Center on Civil Justice at NYU, where her current research delves into the influence of ideologies in comparative studies of civil procedure law. She is also a post-doctoral researcher at Bocconi University, Italy, contributing to a project entitled “U.S. dispute resolution mechanisms and novel models of summary ...see full bio.

Center Affiliation: Center on Civil Justice
Research Project: The Role of Ideologies in Comparative Studies of Civil Procedure Law

Marco Dell'Erba

Global Research Fellow

Bio coming soon.

Center Affiliation: Institute for Corporate Governance & Finance
Research Project: The Law of the Metaverse. Finance as a Constitution?

Global Fellow Alon Harel

Alon Harel

Senior Global Research Fellow

Alon Harel is Mizock Professor of Law and a member of Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality at the Hebrew University. Professor Harel works in several fields: moral and political philosophy, criminal law theory, constitutional law theory and also law and economics and behavioral law and economics. His book Why Law Matters (OUP, 2024) challenges...see full bio.

Center Affiliation: Center for Law and Philosophy
Research Project: A Liberal Perspective of Constitutionalism

Global Fellow Tinashe Hofisi

D. Tinashé Hofisi

Post-Doctoral Global Fellow

D. Tinashé Hofisi is a Hauser Post-Doctoral Global Fellow at NYU Law. His research interests include judicial design, constitutional enforcement, human rights, and comparative constitutional law. Tinashé's doctoral project investigates the effectiveness of constitutional adjudication in southern Africa, focusing on Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. ...see full bio.

Center Affiliation: Center on Civil Justice
Research Project: The Higher the Appellate Court, the Lower the Public Support? Legitimacy and Judicial Design in African Presidential Election Petitions

Global Fellow Alon Jasper

Alon Jasper

Post-Doctoral Global Fellow

Alon is a Post-Doctoral Global Fellow affiliated with the Institute for International Law and Justice (IILJ). Alon is interested in the role of infrastructure as a legal term and the history of regulation. At NYU, Alon will investigate the EU’s efforts to extend its regulatory reach beyond its borders, particularly in digitalization and global value chains (GVCs). By examining ...see full bio.

Center Affiliation: Institute for International Law and Justice
Research Project: Fostering Flows: The Role of Infrastructure in Legal Reasoning

Global Fellow Henry Krahn

Henry Krahn

Post-Doctoral Global Fellow

Henry Krahn is a Post-Doctoral Global Fellow affiliated with the Center for Law and Philosophy. His research focuses on moral and political philosophy, particularly on what protest movements can tell us about the intersection of the two. Henry completed his PhD in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Toronto, where he held an Ontario Graduate Scholarship and...see full bio.

Center Affiliation: Center for Law and Philosophy
Research Project: Reimagining Reasons: Protest and Deep Moral Change

Global Fellow Darina Petrova

Darina Petrova

Post-Doctoral Global Fellow

Darina Petrova is a Post-Doctoral Fellow affiliated with the Institute for International Law and Justice. Her research explores the mechanisms of global governance and the outcomes that they produce, employing the analytical frameworks of critical legal studies and science and technology studies (STS). Darina obtained her doctoral degree from Sciences PO Law ...see full bio.

Center Affiliation: Institute for International Law and Justice
Research Project: The Making of Alternative Global Governance: BRICS project and its Implications for International Law

Global Fellow Poonam Puri

Poonam Puri (Fall)

Senior Global Research Fellow

Poonam Puri is the Tier I York Research Chair in Corporate Governance and a Full Professor of Law at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. She is also Head of the Capital Markets Initiative at the David and Sharon Johnston Centre for Corporate Governance Innovation at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. She is also Head of the Capital ...see full bio.

Center Affiliation: Pollack Center for Law & Business
Research Project: The Future of Corporate Governance and Financial Markets in an Era of Digital Disruption

Global Fellow Eric Shoemaker

Eric Shoemaker (Fall)

Post-Doctoral Global Fellow

Eric Shoemaker is a Post-Doctoral Global Fellow at NYU. His research at NYU focuses on the democratic values embedded in the jury system, and how this might inform our evaluation of proposed reforms to the political system of democracies more broadly. Before coming to NYU, Eric has written extensively about democratic theory as it relates to Citizens’ Assemblies. ...see full bio.

Center Affiliation: Center for Law and Philosophy
Research Project: The Democratic Legitimacy & Political Meaning of Juries

Global Fellow Jorge Urdanoz

Jorge Urdánoz (Fall)

Global Research Fellow

Jorge Urdánoz is Associate Professor of Legal Philosophy at Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain. He holds a degree in Philosophy and a PhD in Political Science, both from Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (2003). Jorge has been a visiting scholar in Columbia University and in New York University. Most of his research and publications focus on ...see full bio.

Center Affiliation: Center for Law and Philosophy
Research Project: On the different meanings of the Majority Principle

Global Fellow Masanori Wakita

Masanori Wakita

Global Research Fellow

Masanori Wakita is Associate Professor at Graduate School of Law, Tohoku University. He earned his LLB and JD from the University of Tokyo. His area of research is corporate law, and recently his focus is on tender offer regulations. He has written articles recommending the revision of Japanese tender offer regulations, which include "Injunction against TOB" (in Japanese) and ...see full bio.

Center Affiliation: Institute for Corporate Governance & Finance
Research Project: A theoretical analysis on the adoption of US and European regulations in the field of stock tender offers