The Tikvah Center for Law & Jewish Civilization

All Papers by Author


The Working Paper series is a tangible representation of the scholarship resulting from the Tikvah Fellowships. The papers will appear in a series of publications of The Tikvah Center, including this web site, which will serve as the online platform for the series.  Scholarship resulting from other Center activities, contributed by participants who are not necessarily Fellows but conforming to The Center’s mission or annual theme, will likely also be included.

Yehoyada Amir
Prophecy and Halakhah Towards Non-Orthodox Religious Praxis in (Eretz) Israel

Gary Anderson
I Give, Therefore I am – The Meaning of Charity in Jewish and Christian Thought

Yishai Beer
The Blind Spot of the Law of Armed Conflict

Beth Berkowitz
A Short History of the People Israel from the Patriarchs to the Messiah: Constructions of Jewish Difference in Leviticus Rabbah 23

Saul J. Berman
The Boundaries of Loyalty: Testimony Against Fellow Jews in Non-Jewish Courts

Pierre Birnbaum
Rabbis Against State Jews from the Supreme Court and the Decline of the Naked Public Space

Gabriella Blum
The Fog of Victory

Robert Chazan
The Trial and Condemnation of the Talmud

David C. Flatto
Justice Retold: The Trial of the Judean King, and the Narration of Legal Myths

Jonathan Garb
Mussar, Curriculum and Exegesis in the Circle of Ramhal

Marc Hirshman
Individual and Group Learning in Rabbinic Literature: Some Key Terms

Moshe Idel
R. Joseph Karo and His Revelations: Or the Apotheosis of the Feminine in Safedian Kabbalah

Maoz Kahana
The Scientific Revolution and Jewish Jurisprudence - Halacha, Medicalization andAlchemy, Hamburg 1736

Marion Kaplan
Lisbon is Sold Out!  The Daily Lives of Jewish Refugees in Portugal During World War II​

James Kugel
The Sources of Torah in the Book of Jubilees

Charles Leben
The reference to Hebrew sources in the doctrine of the law of nature and of nations in early modern Europe

Yair Lorberbaum
Two concepts of Gezerat Ha-Katuv 
A Chapter in Maimonides’s Legal and halakhic Thought Part I

Avital Margalit
Labor Movement Co-Operative in Mandatory Palestine: Legal Transplants and Cultural Implants

Adiel Schremer
Toward Critical Halakhic Studies

Aharon Shemesh
A Nazirite for Rent

Benjamin Sommer
Artifact or Scripture? Authority and Revelation in the Bible and Jewish Thought

Ephraim Shoham Steiner
The Medieval Jewish Underworld: Jewish Involvement in Crime in Medieval Europe 

Gila Stopler
Should Ultra-Orthodox Schools in Israel be Required to Teach the Core Curriculum?

Michael Walzer
The Rule of Kings