NYU Review of Law & Social Change holds symposium on sexual and reproductive rights

NYU Review of Law & Social Change holds symposium on sexual and reproductive rights

On February 12, the NYU Review of Law & Social Change held a symposium, "From Page to Practice: Broadening the Lens for Sexual & Reproductive Rights," which sought to bridge the gap between legal academic scholarship and practitioners’ experiences in fighting for sexual and reproductive rights. 

Introductory remarks were made by Reva Siegel, Yale Law School. Three panels followed. The first, "Reproductive Justice: Expanding the Vision to 'Collateral' Fields," moderated by Sylvia Law, Elizabeth K. Dollard Professor of Law, Medicine and Psychiatry, featured Anita Allen, University of Pennsylvania Law School; Twila Perry, Rutgers School of Law; Ruthann Robson, CUNY School of Law; Lynn Paltrow, National Advocates for Pregnant Women; Lourdes Rivera, The Ford Foundation; and Imani Walker, The Rebecca Project.

The second panel, "Reclaiming Values and Morality,"  moderated by Ariela Dubler, Columbia Law School, included Erez Aloni, University of Pennsylvania Law School; Carlos Ball, Rutgers School of Law; Kim Buchanan, University of Southern California School of Law; Matt Coles, ACLU LGBT Rights Project; and Rev. Carlton Veazey, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
Panel three was entitled "Global Movements and the Human Rights Framework" and was moderated by Carrie Bettinger-López, Columbia Law School. It included Paola Bergallo, Universidad de San Andrés; Joanna Erdman, University of Toronto Faculty of Law; Judith Resnik, Yale Law School; Janet Benshoof, Global Justice Center; and Cindy Soohoo, Center for Reproductive Rights.

Kenji Yoshino, Chief Justice Earl Warren Professor of Constitutional Law, gave the closing remarks.

Posted on February 18, 2010