
Welcome Back Happy Hour with the Engelberg Center -- September 18, 2024


Child Privacy Laws and the Internet: Impacts on Vulnerable Communities -- October 26, 2023




Roundtable on Large Language Models, Law and Policy -- July 20, 2023


Tackling Digital Market Power: Antimonopoly and Regional Regulatory Action -- May 12, 2023


Cornell Tech Workshop: Autonomous Vehicles -- What Could Possibly Go Wrong? March 13, 2020


Procuring Cybersecurity:
Industry-Government Information Flow and Digital Supply Chains -- April 18, 2019


Conference on Trade Secrets and Algorithmic Systems -- November 16-17, 2018


Privacy Localism: A New Research Agenda -- November 3, 2017


Algorithms and Explanations -- April 27-28, 2017


International Workshop on Obfuscation: Science, Technology, and Theory -- April 7-8, 2017


AI Now: The Social and Economic Implications of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in the Near Term -- July 7, 2016


At the Intersection of Privacy and Property -- May 6, 2016


Conference on Responsible Use of Open Data: Government and the Private Sector -- November 19-20, 2015


Symposium on Government Access to Data on the Cloud -- May 26-27, 2015


Algorithms & Accountability -- February 28, 2015


NYU Security Research Seminar -- 2014-2015


Symposium on Student Privacy -- December 2, 2014


Symposium on Obfuscation -- February 15, 2014


Governing Algorithms Conference -- May 16-17, 2013